Getting Started

Thank you for your interest in our program!

TCHPC recognizes the importance of bridging the gap between health care and treatment court professionals, to better support and treat individuals involved with problem-solving courts who were diagnosed with opioid or substance use disorder. The goal of the Regional Cross Training program is to create learning opportunities, conversations, and networking amongst professions. 

We hope that you find the materials and resources helpful to guide you in creating a training program in your area. Please view the steps below to help guide you in your planning process. 


Creating a connection with a diverse group of stakeholders to form an effective planning group is crucial to the success of the cross-training sessions. The goal is to provide networking opportunities, address issues of concern in the community regarding the use of medication to treat substance use disorder and create collective solutions.  Consider asking the following local members to join:

  • Court Representatives

  • Treatment Court Judges

  • Community Mental Health Agency

  • Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan

  • Health Department

  • Physician and Other Health Professional Champions

  • Treatment Programs

  • Medical Society (if active Chapter)

  • Jail and/or Sheriff’s Office Representative

  • Community Service Providers and Advocates

  • Harm Reduction Providers


Determine the need in your community. Each county should be looked at individually to decide what topics should be discussed during your training. 


Connect with health care and/or treatment court professionals to speak on the topics that were agreed upon within your group. 


Create an invite list that consist of the suggested specialties and any additional professions that would benefit attending. The list below is considered beneficial to achieve the goals of the program successfully. Invite template

  • Judges

  • Treatment Court Team members

  • Case Managers

  • Prosecutors

  • County Health Department Officials

  • Behavioral Health Specialist

  • Community Mental Health Representatives

  • Health Care Professionals (e.g. Psychiatrists, Primary Care Physicians, NPs, PAs, Social Workers, ect.)

  • Clinic Providers

  • Community Corrections Officers

  • Probation Officers

  • Community Social Service Providers


Provide case scenarios for attendees to view and discuss during break out sessions. This allows attendees to network and work together to come up with a common solution.


In this step, you would send a post-training survey to receive feedback from attendees and to help determine the success of the program.

To view the complete toolkit, please click here